Symptom - Depression

Freeman, E. W. (2015). Depression in the menopause transition: risks in the changing hormone milieu as observed in the general population. Women’s Midlife Health, 1(1).

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Kai Y, Nagamatsu T, Kitabatake Y, Sensui H. Effects of stretching on menopausal and depressive symptoms in middle-aged women: a randomized controlled trial. Menopause. 2016;23(8):827-832. doi:10.1097/GME.0000000000000651

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As Menopause Nears, Be Aware It Can Trigger Depression And Anxiety, Too. (2020, January 16). NPR.

Depression in the menopause transition: risks in the changing hormone milieu as observed in the general population. Women’s Midlife Health, 1(1).